
Om namo narayana s mantra mp3 song download
Om namo narayana s mantra mp3 song download

om namo narayana s mantra mp3 song download

Bless me, Thy servant who has no other refuge, that I may have constant and unswerving attachment for Thy lotus feet." ~ Shrimad Bhagavatam "Salutations to Thee, O Master Yogi! Thou art the One who confers the fruits of striving on all yogis. You are beyond the material qualities, and yet you possess all the eternal virtues." ~ traditional prayer "I offer homage to you, O master of all the gods! O Sri Vishnu, O supremely powerful one, you are the original conscious being. Nārāyaṇāya: Addressive case meaning "to Narayana," as in "Om, glory to Narayana."

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Or, as the 'resting place for all living beings' ("nara" meaning living beings, or jivas). Nārāyaṇa: A name of Vishnu, Supreme God, as the preserver of the universe. Namo: (Same as "namaha") To honor or solute. Oṃ: The eternal source-sound-vibration of creation.

Om namo narayana s mantra mp3 song download